Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Following In Her Footsteps

Energized and inspired by last week's interview with Sherrill Kahn and the peek we were given at her new work, Monday morning found me setting up the wet studio for some marathon fabric painting. I used to spend days and days doing this- mostly on paper and wood- and I have missed it a lot, lately.

While this may look like a total mess, it's actually lightning in a bottle. Arranged on the table within reach are many different kinds of paints- Lumiere, Neopaque, Jacquard Textile paints, Dye-Na-Flow and even some of my dwindling supply of Sherrill's Sorbets- a bunch of hand-made stamps, sponges, brushes, paint palettes, water and all kinds of painting grounds from white fabric to pre-painted papers. Plus, of course, coffee- lots of coffee.

Using techniques demo'd in Sherrill's video, I reacquainted myself with the joys of  painting with abandon. All of the pieces I painted ranged in size from about 28"x18" to 8"x11". No ground safe, no technique untried, nothing was "finished" until it screamed at me to stop. Here's what I've created so far.

(cotton fabric)

(artists' canvas... this one is my favorite)

(cotton fabric)

(cotton fabric, taken from the piece above and slathered with Lumiere)

(cotton fabric)

 (watercolor paper)
(heavy interfacing)

(copy paper)

(watercolor paper)

No idea what these beauties will be used for, and there are more in progress on the table, waiting for another painting session tomorrow. 

Happy creating!


Terry Jarrard-Dimond said...

Looking good Judi. Isn't it great to get down to work!

Cate Rose said...

These are REALLY beautiful, Judi. And so inspiring!

Jan said...

Oh these are great! I recently painted up a bunch of papers and so did the other members in my group and today we all traded. I wish you had been there trading with us, yours are fabulous. I have been trying not to spend more money on art stuff but I may have to allow myself to indulge in this DVD.

Michele/TextileTraveler said...

These are wonderful! I love her work, too, and am always inspired when I flip through her books.

laura west kong said...

Gorgeous ... as always ^_^ Can't wait to see them in quilts!

Valerie Kamikubo said...

While they are all beautiful, I particularly love the top cotton piece. It is truly amazing what can be created spontaneously when we don't think about it too much!

elle said...

Fantastic! Your favorite is mine as well and the one below it is runner up. Summer is scheduled to start next Tuesday for me and I'm going to be dyeing to start. Get ready to be pestered! 8^)

Dotti said...

I love Sherrill Kahn...I take it her DVD goes into more detail on her painting techniques than the books do. I have 3 of her books and enjoy them imensely!

Terri Stegmiller said...

Yes, your favorite is my favorite. I wouldn't send that back to you if you accidentally mailed it to me.

Nina Lise@Mrs Moen said...

They are all so beautiful that it would be hard to pick a favourite. Looks like you have had a wounderful time in your studio playing with paints!

Diane said...

Wonerful-wonderful--Sherill's video is in my future :)

Anonymous said...

I find the best outcomes are when I approach my work (which is usually creating fabric) with a sense of play. If I over think it I will not get the same outcome. It's really amazing how true that is!

Your things are beautiful, Judi!

Robbie said...

wow, Judi! You are the queen!! Just fantastic pieces! Which I'm sure have just inspired you to create more!!! Sheryl should/would be proud!

Gisela Towner said...

Ooooh! The second one is my favorite too -- love it.
What part of the country are you in, Judi? We come from similar backgrounds in our art -- I would love to have a play day with you.

I WAS going to work in the yard today, but I think I may have to play instead... :)

Great stuff!

Lisa K said...

I really enjoyed looking at your work. This is exactly the type of thing I've been called to do lately. Isn't it fun to just paint - no plans, no thinking, just letting the creative spirit take you where it will!

Darcy Berg said...

Very cool!

Darcy Berg

Unknown said...

thanks for the interview of one of my favorite artists. and wow! You really went to town; the pieces you did are stellar and very inspiring.

Jeanne said...

Judi, thank you for posting the set up photo! I am always trying to figure out how to use my studio space so I get more done. It was helpful to see the table set up - I had been thinking of moving mine against the wall, but this showed me I am better off using both sides. I'll have to look into Sherrill's workshops.

Anonymous said...

I haven't had an outdoor fabric painting session since last summer. I'll have to change that asap. You got fantastic results!

Gina said...

Drooling here .... all gorgeous! Looking forward to next week's posts!

studio pashnada said...

my fav is the same as yours

Sharon Eley said...

These are really beautiful and shows your creative spirit!