On the good news side, this little test piece, which started out simply as an experiment, has so charmed me that not only have I added beading...

... but I also think I might mount it on a small painted canvas and donate it to Art Now For Autism. If I'm going to do that, I need to act quickly, though- all submissions are due by September 1st.
I actually did it, I actually sent in my entry application to the abecedarian gallery (the lack of caps is their choice, not mine) for a juried exhibit they're hosting November 6th- December 19th.
I was horrified to realize after I'd made the decision to submit these two pieces that one of the photographs, which had been done by a professional photographer, was utterly blurry. As ticked as I was at the photographer (this was just one thing in a long list of things he did badly), I was more angry with myself for not having noticed it in time to correct it.
I panicked at little, then, because the application clearly stated that they wanted museum quality photos.
I gathered my courage together, grabbed my camera and tripod, and did what I could to re-photograph the piece. And miracle of miracles, I think I nailed it.

Anyway, they'll like me or they won't... it's all in their hands now and I just have to wait.
Have a happy weekend!
Love those vivid oranges and blues. They make me happy, remind me of southern Arizona sunsets and coyotes yipping in wild chorus.
this piece makes me feel happy! I love C-O-L-O-R!! Good luck....and by the way, it is a great photograph!
Judi, this little piece is wonderful, and I'm going to keep my eye on it and put that Art for Autism event on my calender. I think I simply must try to have it!
I'm not a big one for dyeing (as I'm sure you could tell at my site) though I've done it a few times over the years. But THIS! This really speaks to me--I may have to drag out the dyes I have hiding around here when I have a little extra time!
And yes, I've had the same type of problem with photographers, which is why I do it myself now. I don't think my photos are "book quality" but they are good enough to show a curator or show jury what they need to know about my work. I've done okay so far, but some of my Inchie Quilt pieces prove more difficult, so the learning process continues.
Your two pieces are fabulous, and I wish you all the best for their success in the exhibit!
Wonderful art and color pallete. I try to get away form aqua and orange and it is not working! I thought I would share...texture magic is great fun, I bought it at
Also a few years back an instructor sandwiched dyed fabrics of different colors to a backing then cut between the stitching to reveal the rainbow effect. She called it handmade chenille.
Oh you did nail it; and it's beautiful! I'm sure your two pieces will be at abecedarian gallery! And what wonderful texture and color on your test piece. The beads really finished it perfectly.
Your work is awe-inspiring! Good luck on your submission!
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